Posts tagged real estate agent
Why Do I Need to Have a Commercial Real Estate Agent Representing Me?

Many business owners, property owners, and investors find the services of real estate agents invaluable. They also say the same for commercial real estate agents, often finding them more important than regular real estate agents as commercial properties are more complicated than residential ones. With that in mind, we thought about adequately explaining what makes having a commercial real estate agent invaluable.

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What to Know When Reviewing Your Investment Portfolio in 2019

We have all said hello to 2019.  As we enter this New Year it’s a great time to take steps to position our investments, finances, and estate plan to flourish in 2019. Some of those steps will include an overall review of your investment plan to reducing your exposure stocks and shift more into bonds; or updating your will and end-of-life-documents.

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Commercial Property During a Downturn?

Benjamin Franklin once said that there are no guarantees in life other than death and taxes but I believe we can also add a downturn in the real estate cycle to that list.

Having been in the real estate business for over three decades I’ve experienced first-hand multiple cycles in the market. During these phases I’ve noticed a trend, people who operate their properties with a strong management team typically forecast the market turning and prepare in advance. 

The market you’re in will have a lot to do with how properties are effected, Los Angeles and a few other major metro areas typically only see a drop in value of a few percentage points while other areas can take a bigger hit.

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Should You Consider Real Estate Investment Trusts?

Pulling the trigger on your first real estate investment is daunting and not everyone has the risk appetite to go it alone. 

If you want to start investing but don’t want to take a leap of faith, you may want to consider a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).

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"D.A.M." Your Clients


Save yourself time and energy by qualifying all of your clients.

Not everyone is ready to make an investment in commercial real estate right away.   Sometimes a person will have the means to invest, but they may not be at a point in their life where it’s in their best interest to invest.  Or they may just not have the motivation to invest in commercial real estate if there are other more lucrative alternative investments available such as the stock market or business opportunities.  If an investor is going to close the deal with you, it’s going to be because they have the desire to invest, the ability to invest, and the motivation to follow through on those wants and needs. 

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