Posts tagged commercial office building experience
Will Shared Working Space Disrupt Traditional Office Leasing?

In the now seemingly distant past, all work was about leaving your home and going to your office. Then the digital revolution changed that and gave people the opportunity to work within the comfort of their homes. Even startups that evolve into the leading companies of the world start from the homes of their CEOs.

The startup and freelancer mode of work hasn’t yet managed to dominate the working sphere, and we already have another trend that’s gaining in popularity and influence – the shared working space. Only a decade ago, shared offices were practically unheard of, and now we’re discussing their effect on the very existence of traditional offices.

But how much of an influence does this mode of work have? And more importantly, is it disrupting traditional office leasing?

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When Should You Start Looking for a New Office Space?

by George Pino

I receive calls like this almost every week…. “Hello, my lease is expiring and I need a new office space” or “Hi, we’re moving our company to Los Angeles and we need new office space.” 

Inevitably, when I inquire about their timing they say they’re in need of a new space in one or two months. Although that time frame is possible it brings difficulties. A big misunderstanding among first-time commercial lessees, as well as many experienced lessees is that a commercial space can be found, negotiated, and leased within a couple of weeks.

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The Rise of the Building Intelligence Officer

It has been estimated that more data has been generated in the last two years than in the entire span of human history. In fact, recently The Economist suggested the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data. At a time when the volume of information being generated far outpaces our ability to do something with it, there is one largely untapped supply of data that can provide a rich source of actionable information: the office building. Information gathered here can help landlords and occupiers together make better informed, more confident real estate and workplace decisions.

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