Posts tagged property advice
When is the Right Time to Buy an Investment Property if You're A Commercial Real Estate Investor?

Timing the real estate market for an investment property is one of the hardest things to do and one of the most asked questions, and I do have an answer to that question at the bottom of this article. 

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STNL Investments, What to Expect in 2019?

The Single Tenant Triple Net (STNL) market has been on fire the last few years, with a slew of new buyers looking to acquire a STNL. 

Many of these buyers are first time purchasers of commercial property. A basic law of economics states that if there is an increase in demand and stable inventory available then prices must increase. This is exactly what we’ve seen over the last few years as CAP rates have continued to compress.

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What Type of Commercial Real Estate Investment is Right for You?

I often get asked how I first started investing in commercial real estate (“CRE”), and of course the next follow up question: “How do I start investing?”    I think the most important facet to begin investing in CRE is to identify what your goals are.  How much do you want to invest and why do you want to invest, is it to build equity; for cash flow purpose; or are you looking for larger future appreciation?  CRE can provide an avenue of long-lasting income; it can help diversify your portfolio, it can offer tax benefits, and by using properly selected real estate strategies, it can produce the potential for appreciation, in addition to cash flow.

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What Makes a Good STNL Investment?

The Single Tenant Triple Net (STNL) market has been on fire the last few years.  A slew of new buyers are looking to acquire a STNL.  Many of these buyers are first time purchasers of commercial property, and many are unsure of how best to analyze the strength of the investment.

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