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What Are the Best Assets to Invest in 2019?

Every year brings about at least some change when it comes to the economy and what’s worth it and what’s not.

The transition from 2018 to 2019 is no different, and after careful analysis, we can present the best assets in which you should invest this year.

Before we continue, it’s worth mentioning that investing at all is still considered a smart thing to do, despite some arguing that we are nearing another recession. The GDP of the US is still growing steadily and is expected to perform similarly in 2019 as well. All in all, the threat of a crisis hitting this year is extremely low.

With that said, we have still considered the long term and the possibility of a recession hitting in a few years. For that reason, we’ve only chosen assets that are bound to survive a future recession.


If the possibility of a financial crisis is your main worry, the best asset class to turn to is indeed gold.

In both the Dot-Com Crash and the 2008 Financial Crisis, gold survived and still saw some gains.

Naturally, gold is not just the best asset that can survive a crisis. It’s also a great asset in general as it has been a standard for centuries and is not looking into making any changes.

For that, it’s always advisable that at least a significant part of your assets includes gold.


The cryptocurrency market is currently very weak with Bitcoin valued at around $3,000 – after standing at $10,000 less than a year ago.

However, cryptocurrencies are not a failed experiment, and neither is Bitcoin specifically.

The market is known to fluctuate a lot, and with every significant drop, it always recovers and surpasses its previous worth.

In addition to that, cryptocurrencies will be among the first things people will turn to if a financial crisis starts looming.

All of that makes cryptocurrencies a good investment in 2019.

Real Estate

People still fear the possibility of another housing bubble that hit the US in 2008 and ruined the finances of many for years that followed.

Even though the prices are once again rising, there aren’t many real estate investors who are worried about them dropping any time soon. You shouldn’t worry either as there are no indications of another crash happening any time soon.

Real estate has always been a sound investment as land will still have worth. That hasn’t changed and is not looking to be different any time soon.

However, if you do fear a financial crisis, real estate can only prove worthwhile if you’re not looking to liquidate any time soon. With a long-term liquid real estate strategy, even a financial crisis can be overcome.

All in all, it remains up to you to choose where you want to invest your money, and we are here only to give you suggestions that will help you make a decision.

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